Images have an important role in an article or paper, because the images will help the understanding in a work written as a visualization of understanding or as a visual input to the brain. if in understanding something in the brain accompanied by a picture then we will receive a double stimulus, namely the process of reading and seeing pictures. so that the image plays an important role in an essay.
if we want to add images sourced from a digital camera must have a large capacity files. if we continue to upload without modifying the high-speed Internet access is required. This course will incriminate us in financial terms. besides that it also when it is imposed without any modification of our blog will be heavy when accessed. how well the following tips:
1. prepare large image size,
2. copy to my picture folder
3. open windows explorer
4. open my document folder
5. open my picture folder
6. Right-click on the picture to be modified
7. select open with
8. select microsoft office picture manager
9. click the picture menu
10. click picture compress
11. see the task pane on the right then select a web page
12. click ok
13. click file then save as
14. completed
if the step has been successful please upload the picture on your blog and guaranteed light when opened will quickly
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