Friday, December 9, 2011

Ethics for Sending in E-mail

As corresponded by mail, send e-mail also have ethics. Here are ethical in sending e-mail:

1. Avoid spam, bombing.
Spamming is sending an e-mail repeatedly with different or similar topics. People who received this spam will be annoyed, because usually it offers information, products or services that we do not really need. Being an e-mail bomb is sending e-mails with the same subject in repeatedly (continuously) with the intention of the recipient mailboxes fill up quickly.

2. Do not forward e-mail without editing.
Often we have good news that we need to move on / forward to someone else. If the recipient is still the manual setting, the message is forwarded that each line will be decorated by a tag like this:>. Keep the tags are removed once let me e-mail looks neat.

3. Replace the title of the e-mail if necessary.
Usually this is done in a forum or mailing list. Because the fun back-counter, so the topic shifts. If the subject has shifted the conversation, change the subject. Of this there is the reason, in addition to not confuse other participants, the search / tracking files discussion topics that have been passed so easily.

4. Body should not be sent any reply (the message).
Long e-mail that we will reply tertambah sizenya. This happens because each time we reply to e-mail, all e-mails that we send back to us again. To avoid this, delete the e-mail body part that we will reply. Leave the sentences that we need to answer it.

5. Do not respond to e-mail (TB).
We may never receive e-mails that tell us to forward it to a number of men, that fared well. If not passed on to so many people, then we will ketimpa unlucky. E-mail of this kind should not be taken. It's called the e-mail tuberculosis (superstition, heresy, and superstition).

6. Keep the accounts of others.
If we mereply or send e-mail, do not include e-mails we do not know or we know in the heading (To) him. Consequently accaount emails of people who appear in the e-mail to others, could be widespread, hijacked, and dispam.

7. Avoid Full Caps Lock / capital letters.
In order to attract the attention of the reader, sometimes we use capital letters of the word alias, which is called the caps lock key on the keyboard. Using uppercase letters in full, will have the image (responses), that we are angry and do not know ethics. Display e-mail was so uninteresting that writing using all upper case. Use caps only when where NECESSARY. If you do not NEED USED unnecessary.

8. Avoid short sentences in mereply.
Suppose our friend write lengthy e-mail, telling him about the beauty of nature. Then we respond with a short sentence, Äúoh huh?, Äù or, Äúenak yes, Äù,, Äúbenarkah, Äù and the like. If you do not have a concept, better do not mereply e-mail. Because the phrase so make gregetan and deserve only typed in chat only.
9. Double-check before the send.
After the e-mail neatly written, take the time to double-check spelling, sentence structure and grammar if necessary. Because once we click the send button, can not be canceled or revoked. Everything is immediately sent to the recipient in a matter of seconds.

10. Be patient received a reply.
If it is sent, be patient waiting for a reply. Because not all people have easy access to surf ria. Not all people have free time to read our emails

11. Do not be carried away
If we receive emails that are less fun, do not reply at that time. We need to think about what exactly that meant someone else to us. Wait some time before the back will also make our emotions that have been up and down again.

12. Different interests
Do not keep sending them something that never responded, although with thanks. Each person has an interest in something different. Topics that we find attractive is not necessarily attractive to others.

13. Do not attach unnecessary files
We should not attach unnecessary files in our email. This often happens by accident. Often forget to delete the file attachment at the forward or mereply email.

14. Make a good layout
Reading email is sometimes uncomfortable. This is because we have to read something in front of the computer. Moreover, if we are already working on the computer all day. Therefore, if we send you an email should we make a good layout so that our email recipients can read them more easily.

15. Please answer all questions
If we reply or email mereply, get all the information we ask others to answer. If we do not know the answer to not know. The question that we ignore can make others feel we do not pay attention to what they need and may be questions that
same will be asked again.


The process of learning the classical way at this time is no longer appropriate with the times. classical methods is a tedious method. so to be able to reach the expected target curriculum is very difficult. therefore, teachers are required to master information and communication technologies. for teachers who can not information and communication technology will be hated by the students.
What should be prepared by a teacher in Internet technology-based learning?
The following minimum requirements that must be possessed by the teacher in Internet technology-based learning are:

1. mastered the lesson materials
2. can operate the computer
3. know the basic Internet
4. can use microsoft office

If these four things are owned by a teacher then the students will feel comfortable free fun in their lessons. curriculum so that the target can be achieved.

How to upload images large size,

Images have an important role in an article or paper, because the images will help the understanding in a work written as a visualization of understanding or as a visual input to the brain. if in understanding something in the brain accompanied by a picture then we will receive a double stimulus, namely the process of reading and seeing pictures. so that the image plays an important role in an essay.
if we want to add images sourced from a digital camera must have a large capacity files. if we continue to upload without modifying the high-speed Internet access is required. This course will incriminate us in financial terms. besides that it also when it is imposed without any modification of our blog will be heavy when accessed. how well the following tips:
1. prepare large image size,
2. copy to my picture folder
3. open windows explorer
4. open my document folder
5. open my picture folder
6. Right-click on the picture to be modified
7. select open with
8. select microsoft office picture manager
9. click the picture menu
10. click picture compress
11. see the task pane on the right then select a web page
12. click ok
13. click file then save as
14. completed

if the step has been successful please upload the picture on your blog and guaranteed light when opened will quickly

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Learning more fun with the Quiz Inteaktif

It's not the time of his teaching by lecture method, because this method is considered boring. There is one method of learning is quite fun by using interactive quizzes. With interactive quizzes that students can directly determine the extent of the ability of the subject matter mastery.
before using this method the teacher directs students to read the course material.

Thursday, December 1, 2011